Terry Naturally Omega 7 Dry Eye Relief 10% OFF AT CHECKOUT
Cost Plus Nutrition

- Relieves occasional dry eyes due to sun, wind, contact lenses, aging, personal electronics, or computer use*
- Helps replenish and retain proper eye moisture*
- SB150™ sea buckthorn oil is a blend of sea buckthorn pulp and seed oil
- Features the rare omega-7 fatty acid
Eye Moisture & Comfort*
Not all sea buckthorn products deliver omega-7 fatty acids. That's because omega-7 is found only in the pulp of the berry, not the seed. Omega-7 Dry Eye Relief combines sea buckthorn berry pulp and seed oil for optimal benefits.*† The berry pulp delivers omega-7, while the seed oil supplies additional essential fatty acids, including beneficial omega-3, -6, and -9.
Omega-7 Dry Eye Relief provides an unbeatable combination for the benefits you expect!*†
Relieves Occasional Dry Eyes Due To:*
- Weather
- Sun
- Aging
- Screens
- Contacts
Need Relief? You've Found It!
Omega-7 Dry Eye Relief has the rare omega-7 you're looking for, plus a range of essential nutrients for healthy eye moisture and comfort.*†
†Occasional dry eyes due to weather, computer use, and aging.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.