Lugol's Iodine
Mother Earth Labs

Did you know that current studies suggest up to 90% of Americans may be deficient in iodine, and that the recommended daily intake is only enough to prevent disease – not to promote health?
Mother Earth Lab’s Lugol’s Iodine offers the natural health gold standard dosage of 12.5 mg of the most well-known and trusted iodine supplement on the market. Both iodine and potassium iodide in balanced ratios has shown in studies to help reduce the occurrence of deficiency diseases and to support healthy biological function throughout the body. Having both forms is essential because different bodily tissues prefer one form over the other and only Lugol’s Iodine has the optimal support ratio.
Iodine is one of the most needed elements in the entire body, but deficiencies are very common.
Do you have any of these common symptoms?
- Lower than normal body temperature (especially when measured upon waking)
- Lack of weight control or difficulty losing weight
- Sparse outer third of the eyebrows
- Dry, cracked skin
- Lack of energy
- Brain fog
With adequate iodine intake, our cognitive function improves with sharper thinking and greater mental focus. Iodine is particularly important for fetal mental development with links to improved IQ and reading apprehension with adequate iodine intake during all stages of pregnancy.
Iodine additionally offers powerful antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic properties along with the protective anti-carcinogenic hormone regulation support for healthy breast, prostate, uterine, ovarian, and cervical cells and tissues.
Supplementation is growing ever more important in modern society as environmental exposure to halides (fluoride, chlorine, and bromine) continue to negatively impact our ability to absorb and utilize iodine. These elements all compete against iodine for absorption within our bodies and, sadly, they often win. This can lead to faulty hormone production and iodine deficiencies. Whether we are exposed to fluoride and chlorine in our drinking and bathing water or bromine in our breads and furniture, the little bit of iodine we get (typically from iodized salt) simply isn’t enough.